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September Challenge: Drink More Water!

Do you drink lots of water?  I don't!  I've found that I am hard-pressed to get even 8 ounces of water in my body during the day and that is no bueno!  I was really beginning to see the signs of dehydration---including a lack of energy and irritability!  (Yes, that's a real thing!  Check out the symptoms of dehydration here).

So, I decided to do something about it.  I decided to start drinking more water.  And I read more about water.

It's no secret that water helps with your overall health; like aiding in weight-management, energize muscles, balance the body's natural fluids and improve kidney function.  But, I was shocked at how much water can help with your skin!  And for someone who is kind of fanatic about their own skin (yes, I am!) I wanted to know more!

Did you know that your skin is 64% water?  So, it's safe to say that your skin health is directly correlated with your water consumption.  In fact, dermatologists and doctors have seen that water does amazing things with pore reduction, clearing up acne and blemishes, and plumping & firming skin!  (Read more about that here).

I also learned that the general rule of "8x8" (eight glasses of 8-oz. of water per day) was actually more or less made up---there was never any evidence to substantiate that advisement.  And now, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) says that "there is no recommendation for how much plain water adults and youth should drink daily."

Melissa Majumdar, a registered dietitian at the Center for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery with Brigham Health and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, recommends that women consume half their weight in ounces of water and to modify that a bit if you're planning on exercising or spending time in extreme conditions.  So, to figure out how much water you should drink, simply take your weight and multiply that by 0.5.  For me---I should be drinking about 78 ounces of water per day!  That is more than 8x8 rule!  And I was literally not even drinking 8 ounces per day!  YIKES!

Now, I've started a Water Challenge and I'd LOVE to have you join me!  I already notice a difference in my energy levels, in my food consumption (I eat less from drinking more!), and in my skin.

I created a FREE printable for you to jump on board my Water Challenge and you can get that little gem here.  It's super cute and really easy for you to track your water consumption.  I have it for just one week, so print out as many as you'd like and start tracking your water with me!  You can check the boxes off, color them in, put cute little Reward Stickers on there---whatever works for you!  (Me, personally, I love using the little Reward Chart stickers; I find them at the Dollar Tree).

If you are in, comment below or join in on my Facebook Group, my Facebook Page, or Instagram and use the #BetheSparkleWaterChallenge!  I'll make this an official challenge starting Sunday, so let me know if you're in!!


  1. Love this idea! I do not drink any water. That seems impossible but sadly it is true. Sign me up for the water challenge.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad to have you join! If you want help being accountable, be sure you join in at:!


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